Tag Results For: Companies

Enhance Sustainability Efforts Through a Consortium of Utility Providers

A greater positive climate impact can be achieved when a consortium of utility providers work together to get customers to switch to paperless bills.
Published by: Gary Stringham on

How to Increase Paperless Conversion Through a Utility Provider Consortium

By forming a consortium of utility providers, they can achieve greater conversion of their respective customers to switch from paper to paperless bills.
Published by: Gary Stringham on

Messy Filenames for Downloaded Paperless Bills and Statements

Downloading your paperless bills and statements leaves your PDF files disorganized. Here are a few tips.
Published by: Gary Stringham on

We Have a Bill Portal - Why Do We Need Document Consolidation?

Customers want to view and pay their bills online. They want to see their financial picture all at once, not in small pieces reported on each biller website.
Published by: Gary Stringham on

New White Paper: Exploring Customer Resistance to Paperless Delivery

Try as they might, companies have been unable to achieve the level of paperless customers they would like. Why is this?
Published by: Gary Stringham on

Is it Time to Change Your Paperless Conversion Messaging?

Over the years, companies have used several strategies to persuade customers to switch from paper to electronic communication. But are these long-standing methods still effective, or is it time for a fresh approach?
Published by: Gary Stringham on

Improve Bill Delivery and Minimize Delinquency

Consistent cash flow is the lifeblood of every business. It can be quite a headache when customers delay or miss their payments, and it can happen a lot. According to a study by Pay Near Me, 51% of consumers confessed they paid at least one bill late in the last 12 months.
Published by: Gary Stringham on

Young People Struggle with Paperless Bills, Too

Young customers struggle with remembering important details like due dates, minimum payment amounts, account numbers, or login credentials. Digital natives get their bills electronically, and yet, their experience is far from smooth.
Published by: Gary Stringham on

Forgotten Passwords: A Deterrent to Paperless Billing?

Moving customers to paperless communication has been a decades-long effort for businesses. Although more consumers opt out of paper every year, the adoption rate in many industries has been far below company expectations.
Published by: Gary Stringham on

Tips for Businesses Sending Paperless Bills and Statements

Tips for companies to give their customers a better experience with their paperless bills and statements.
Published by: Gary Stringham on